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Jobtrain Working Scholars® Fund

JobTrain and the Working Scholars® Fund program are joining together to provide a subsidized bachelor's degree pathway for JobTrain staff, graduates and students. JobTrain helps Silicon Valley's most in need and provides them with the skills necessary to get a job. However, many times, there is a higher level of skills and credentialing needed to reach self-sufficiency within the Bay Area. This partnership aims to develop a college pathway for the JobTrain community where the achievement of a college degree will be a stepping stone to a truly empowered and dignified professional life.


Program Description

The Working Scholars® Fund was launched at the end of 2016 to help adult workers improve their skills, enhance career mobility, and earn a college degree. The program leverages the learning platform to remove the most prevalent barriers to education: lack of time, high costs and lack of confidence.'s online and mobile-first curriculum contains over 225 college credit granting courses that are accepted at over 2,000 colleges throughout the United States. These courses are reviewed and approved by the American Council of Education and the National College Credit Recommendation Service.

The program allows for students to earn a regionally accredited bachelor's degree from an accredited, 4-year university. The program is entirely online, and students have the flexibility to take courses on their phone or computer, at their own pace, and without disruption of their current job. The program is funded by employers and provided to their employees in the way of an education benefit. By utilizing the Working Scholars® Fund's ultra-low-cost college credit and applying discounted tuition at the graduating university, this innovative pathway presents an extremely affordable and convenient higher education pathway.

Each student is provided a success coach as their guide throughout the program. The success coach provides the following services.

  • A Success Coach who works with the individual across their entire academic journey

  • Motivational and Academic support for the life of the program

  • Access to virtual events and workshops

  • Comprehensive review of transcripts and prior credit

  • Custom Degree Road Map

  • Assistance with transfer to Graduating University

  • Administrative support for the life of the program

  • Access to curriculum


All Success Coaches have extensive knowledge of the program and are available to assist students.

Upon completion of the maximum number of transferable credits, the scholar will then transfer to one of the programs network of Graduating Universities, where they will complete their studies.


Getting Started:

  • Register for an information session using the link below

  • Attend info session


Further information on how to apply will be provided at the information session you attend.


Informational Events

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